Thursday, January 22, 2009

Just call me grace...

This has just not been my week. Two days ago the side of my flat iron literally fell off. My hair began to cry in shock of not being straightened. Curly hair is just not an option. I look like a crazed person! Then, yesterday, I decided to take a short trip...down the stairs. Yes, I bruised my ego a bit. I slipped on a tutu on the stairs. The irony is that my own tutu is killing me because of the little tutu. Luckily, I did not break anything. My whole left side is very sore! I was lucky! All I could think about is...How will I ever get to the phone? Did I shave my legs today? Why is it that things that might involve a trip to the hospital only happen on days that you do not shave? New Year's resolution...shave everyday so that nothing bad can happen.

1 comment:

BlessedMom said...

Oh dear! You know I'm going to have to laugh if I see you tomorrow with curly hair and a limp!

FYI...the lake house is flat iron free. Therefore, you will be required to show us this curly hair, which I do not believe exists!