Thursday, December 4, 2008

Now I lay me down to sleep....

One of my favorite times of the day is bedtime with the girls. I love to lay in Laney's bed and read books. I love to pray with her. Jessi even puts her hands together to pray! It is so sweet! She did that all on her own. Prayer is such a important and powerful part of life. I am trying to teach the girls to be open and talk to God because he is always listening and ever understanding. Laney is also learning prayers at school. I am very impressed with her interest and desire to pray! I received an e-mail from her teacher. She said, "Laney prayed for you today...because your hairdryer died." I was tickled at that. The second e-mail really made me laugh. Her teacher e-mailed again..."Oops, sorry, actually she prayed for the hairdryer." Her prayers remind me to be more open in my relationship with God. Sometimes prayer requires thinking outside the box. After we pray for loved ones at night, Laney always prays for flowers, rainbows, pictures, balloons, etc. What is very touching is that she has prayed every night for a child that was in her Mother's Day Out class two years ago. This child moved a couple months into the year. Laney has never forgotten her. I hope that her prayers have reached her and impacted her life. Thank you God for giving me the gift of a compassionate child! I feel so blessed having both my girls! They are truly my inspiration in life!

1 comment:

BlessedMom said...

How wonderful! Your poor hairdryer! ;)

I absolutely love when Cole sits down for dinner and recites the good ol' Catholic meal prayer. It warms my heart to know that they are also instilling these values as much at school as we are at home!